BRRRR – It’s beginning to feel a lot like Christmas


For purple mountain majesties above the fruited plain, America, America.  Man was it a gorgeous sunrise today.  I am sorry to say it was one day I didn’t throw my camera in the car when I left.  I’m sorry I didn’t .  Stupid me.   To the west the mountain were a gorgeous purple with pink clouds above and to the east there was a yellow line with pink and purple clouds.  When the sun rose the sky turned this incredible violet color.  It’s ingrained in my brain.  I left before light this morning to go down south to Denver and it was a beautiful drive.  OK, that picture was not taken this morning but it’s the best I can do.

I really need to remember to take my camera with me.  I just never know what I am going to see.   Two weeks ago I came up behind a wagon pulled by horses.  A few days ago I was driving down the road past the windmilll and there was a bald eagle sitting on the top blade of the mill.  Last week I had to stop while a flock of chickens crossed the road.  Now, you know I’m going to say it because I thought it at the time.  “Why do the chickens cross the road?”  They were going away from their home.  Stupid chickens.

I finally gave in and put the heater in the cellar.  It was going to dip into single digits at night and then below zero so I felt bad for the cats so I decided I should do it.  I think the lowest one morning was -21.  There is only on little kitten left from the last litter.  In fact, the last two litters from three of the others have all died when a few weeks old.  I brought the last one inside when it was going to be so cold.  It’s getting awfully comfortable already.  It’s taken over Sweet Peas sleeping spot.  She is Sweet Peas constant shadow.  So far so good.  Her other three siblings all died within a week of each other.  She was so tiny and bony.  She is getting a belly now so I think she is going to make it.  She has grown leaps and bounds within the last week.  She was so tiny and now she is jumping the fence.  It’s a rough world out there.  This is Sweet Peas sister or at least half sister.  Notice she has taken over Sweet Peas bed.  When she looks up with that face………  I’m trying very hard not to become the cat lady.


I’ve been weaving up a storm.  I got my new loom and I made four rugs for Mom for Christmas plus the placemats and table runner.  Oh darn, I forgot to take pictures of the placemats and the runner.  Here is the loom and one of the rugs.  Sitting in front of that window for so long I decided I am going to put a garden outside the window and put the bird bath and feeders there so I can watch the birds and the garden while I’m weaving.  I really need to get that garage/studio built.

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Hmmm, what other exciting thing have happened?  I was sitting at my computer and got a horrible pain in my foot.  For some reason (even thought it was too cold for them) a wasp got on my foot and stung the heck out of it.  I don’t have many white blood cells and after three days it was really ugly so I had to go on antibiotics.  It’s still not cleared up.  Where it stung me is still sore nad red around it so am supposed to be soaking it more than I am.  It’s been a month since I was stung.  There were too many wasps this year.  Stupid wasps.


I hung up my Ken and Meg wreath again this year.  It’s so windy up here and Ken figured out how to wire it to the door so it won’t blow away.  So sad, Ken had just retired and passed away last January.  I will treasure the wreath.


Looking back I did accomplish a lot this year.  Got the living room and bathroom painted.  Put in a pathway, expanded some gardens.  I have been quilting every first Tuesday of the month making coverlets for Kids Quiltz to be distributed to disaster areas.  I have been volunteering at the library.  I’m getting more involved in the community.  Started Spinning and weaving.  I went to Wyoming for another FirstLight Workshop (which I really, really needed).  I got the field and brush mower and trimmer which makes life and mowing easier.  The Barn Cats Ladies Society had 16 cats fixed.  It sure cut down on the amount of kittens born but it seems like there is always more.  I feel like I played more than I worked this year but all work and no play makes Patty grumpy.

Everyone have a Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year!!


About pbodwell

Master Gardener; Nat'l Award Winning Photographer; Garden Writer; Artist - art books, print maker, hot glass, wire jewelry designer; sometime quilter; new homesteader; bee keeper; very crafty; Baseball fan, enthusiast, and researcher; all things vintage
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2 Responses to BRRRR – It’s beginning to feel a lot like Christmas

  1. SammyandSufi says:

    Im sorry about the sting! looks painful

  2. Deborah Bauer says:

    Love reading about your adventures … so sorry about your wasp encounter, stupid wasps. Merry Christmas. (I love the wreath on your door).

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